We spend a lot of time contacting our members of Congress, but how often do we let Obama know how we feel about his policies? I called the White House comment line today and told the staffer this:

"I am sick and tired of the President shoving his unpopular policies down our throats whether we like it or not. He knows our economy is in the toilet and Americans need jobs, but what does he do? He meets with the Hispanic Caucus to try to get amnesty for people who are not even supposed to be in this country in the first place. I'm tired of him representing people who have broken our laws, and ignoring the will of the majority who have said NO over and over again to amnesty of any kind. How many times do we have to say NO before he gets it?"

I asked the staffer if he was getting a lot of calls about the Dream Act and he said yes.

White House comment line:
