I've been stating that subject statement ever since Bush got elected to his second term, and I truly believe it today.

Just sit back, close your eyes, and think about how much different things would be today if that distasteful event had occurred.

Perhaps there would have been a call to make mortgages available to people who could not afford them? We know the Liberals would have pushed hard for this, and a liberal President would surely have wanted it as well.

Perhaps there would have been MASSIVE spending under President Kerry. After all, Democrats love to spend and spend. Maybe there would have been a huge transportation bill with big juicy piles of pork in it. Liberals love pork.

Perhaps, being a super-Liberal, Kerry would have pushed for an ultra-expensive health plan....maybe something along the lines of a prescription drug program.

And most importantly, we KNOW that Kerry would have pushed for Amnesty - hard. He might have even talked about Family Values not ending at the Rio Grande, or how the people here illegaly are still God's Children. Liberals like to tug at our heartstrings with sayings like that.

What about the war? Iraq is a nonissue as long as our ports and borders are wide open to anyone with a suitcase nuke.

Say now! Didn't all of these things actually happen under the watch of a "conservative Republican"? Go figure.

But consider this: had Kerry proposed these Liberal agendas, I can GAURANTEE you that the Republican-led congress would have stood firm and united against each and every one. Maybe not all...but it is still nice to IMAGINE Chris Cannon or Graham pounding the podium while speaking out against Illegal Immigration.

I firmly believe that the country would be just as screwed as it is today under Kerry, but I also firmly believe the 2008 Republican party would be united and strong, with a candidate worthy of our vote. Not the pandering liberal they have today. And Sarah Palin? They won't even let her voice an opinion on immigration, assuming she has one. It sickens me to read how many blindly support her as VP without knowing where she stands.

The only thing worse for Republicans than a Democrat President is a Republican President that drives a wedge between members of his own party at every opportunity. And McCain only promises to do that even more than Bush did.

The day Bush first floated Amnesty was the day I left the Republican Party. I knew he would never stop pushing it, and sadly I was right.

So what's my point? Promise yourself that starting this election, you won't vote by letter, but instead by issue. When Hannity, Medved, and Hewitt try to scare you by asking how you'll feel if "you wake up and hear <Fill in the name> is Predisent, or Speaker of the House, or Senate Majority Leader", just shake your head and laugh at your radio. Turn off those miserable RINO suck-ups and see what Numbers USA has to say about all of the candidates who want your vote. Where do they stand on the single most important issue facing our country today? Are they a (D)? An (I)? Who cares? Vote for them. Do they stand a chance of winning? Who cares? Vote for them.

I'm bloody sick to death of hearing the supposed conservatives piss and moan about how liebral McCain was and how they would never vote for him, only to hear them now talking about "holding their nose". I get the dry heaves listening to Coulter talk about how McCain is the better candidate, when she promised to vote for Hillary if McCain got the nod.

Folks, why do we constantly pick the shiniest turd in the bowl?

I don't care if the only candidate that promises to fix Illegal Immigration the way it needs to be fixed is a gay abortionist with 10 DUIs. That person will get my vote. I'm proud to say I am color-blind, party-blind, abortion-blind, pick your topic - I'm blind to it. There is but one litmus test these days - Immigration. I have two 5 year old children whose futures are riding on this, and I'll be damned if they're going to grow up seeing their country slowly turned into a third world nation.

The Republican party needs to reboot. It needs to get the good spanking it deserves. They've betrayed us, but good.

We all know most of the people on this forum are disgruntled conservatives. Grow a pair and refuse to hold your nose. Vote for or write in any candidate that shares your belief on this critical topic.

La Raza and Juan Hernandez smiles every time you vote for a RINO.