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Texas State Representative Leo Berman calling for action to put a stop to the flow of illegal immigrants and is introducing a Bill to do just that. I wrote Berman and thanked him for standing up for America and Texas. Please feel free to contact Berman and thank him for his support.

I also passed on the APLI-PAC FOUR POINT PLATFORM.

1. Secure Our Borders

2. Crack down on employers that intentionally hire illegals.

3. Remove incentives and rewards to illegals such as licenses, welfare, and other taxpayer benefits.

4. Enforce our existing laws and deport illegal aliens when convicted of crimes or detected during routine law enforcement activities.

Here are Berman's comments:
From: District6 Berman <>
Subject: RE: Immigration
Date: Apr 24, 2008 11:02 AM

I plan to do exactly as you suggest when we go into session next January.


Leo Berman
