As I sit here and read the paper and hear all the news on television, I think, "No wonder our country has gone to hell in a handbasket." The very same people that the American people have elected have turned against us because they have been told the illegals have their human rights.

Well, what about us? Where are our human rights?

Everything that we have given has been given away to those who have broken the law. And still they say they want their human rights?

Our homeland security has been criticized, slandered and blocked from trying to protect our country from any and all invasion from the very people we put in office. At one time, weren't they called traitors?

So the border fence prevents families from visiting each other. Well, doesn't that tell it all? That the ones on this side are all illegals? Isn't this why they don't want the fence to be built?

And why can't the Border Patrol round them up and send them with their relatives? ...

The money given to those rich giants should be given back to where it belongs, to the people who put it there, taxpayers, and ... for the jobless and homeless who deserve it.

Julia G.


LETTERS: NCT, Jan. 10, 2009