I have found out so disturbing information talking to my mom about some of the happenings of the NAU, illegal immigration, and the Fed Reserve bank stuff! I go on and on about how we are going to lose everything that our forefathers fought and died for over 250 years+! I see that if we become a "NAU" all of our patriots that have fought to keep this country free will be in vein! Are the American people ready to give up there Constitution that was forged by the greatest minds of our history?

To the point! It is that Americans have slowly not caring whats going on in there country let alone there backyard! The only thing that worries most Americans are taxes!!! I bring this up because my mom is on our school board and is involved with Town and County level government issues and works side by side with elected officials! Citizens come to school and town meetings complaining about taxes. My mom asks them if they voted for a person that was in "your" interest and it seems that most of these people that complain never VOTE! That goes along with town and county issues as well! These voices that urge for changes but only when its not in there favor! Voting is a very powerful tool (its slipping away from us) against elected officials and leaders! When they are not doing the job you sent them for then you vote them out or have a recall (if there that bad!)! On the other side of this like sheep if your a Democrat you don't have to vote for them! I'm a Republican and I have voted for some Democrats in my voting experiences! Don't worry voting outside of your party doesn't make you a bad American but voting against America does!

To conclude my small rant is the Americans that sit home on election day then complain about the problems need to step up and get out to vote! Its every Americans right, its our first line of offense and defense to a tyrant running our country! We need to take the power back from the government and give it back to US "We The People"! We The People the first thing you see looking at our great Constitution!

Look at the numbers for the November 2004 numbers!
http://www.census.gov/population/www/so ... s2004.html

- BorderLegionaire