
I am starting to see some encouraging articles come into our boards about Congress not liking the bailout and Newt Gingrich saying anyone that supports it will lose in November.

I have only received on big radio show invite for tomorrow so far, but not a great deal of bites from our allies in talk radio.

I've also been polling friends and family on the phone tonight to see who has heard what and how they feel.

I could only watch a little TV today and I saw some bits on Fox that seemed to be pushing the idea and Sheppard Smith seems to be upset about the idea. I think some stations were running the Senate meetings on this but I could not watch because I was calling offices.

One high level Staffer that accompanied a Senator into the meetings told me his Senator had deep reservations about this plan. I also heard that Senator Demint was throwing a fit about this.

Anyone heard anything from Senator Sessions or other vocal members of Congress in opposition?

What are you hearing on TV and talk radio? What is Lou Dobbs, Oreilly, Glenn Beck and others saying.

Please share.