What part of “WE DON’T WANT THIS” Don’t You Understand?

The Senate endorsed a citizenship for millions of illegal immigrants on Wednesday! They also voted to build 370 miles of triple-layered fencing , do they think that’s what will make everything alright? While our President favors amnesty for illegal immigrants, and demonstrators in masses pull out another, “Hail to their efforts.” protesting their rights in our Country, we do….What? Are we protesting, marching, writing, standing up for our rights? Are we concerned or complacent about what is happening? I for one can do many things, write, call, protest, join in group that speak out against this so called amnesty, What a Joke! Amnesty is granting a pardon with welcoming them as an invited guest, giving them provisions and work programs. We did not Welcome them sneaking in and overwhelming the border of the U.S.A. We did not welcome them to pile into boats and pack into Semi-Trailers bringing their notorious thugs here Those that choose to
oppose the militarization of the U.S and Mexico boundaries are those that have something to gain from this outlandish polarization of persuading the American public. Their goals are to see it’s views and to bring in effect, acceptance of the opposed militarization of the U.S-Mexican border, and they feature amnesty guest passes to the intruders that broke through our borders giving them Grade A Citizenship!!!!

What part of “WE DON’T WANT THIS” Don’t You Understand?- Judyd