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Received: (qmail 836 invoked from network); 2 May 2006 07:13:46 -0000
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Date: Tue, 2 May 2006 00:20:54 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: GOP Policy on Illegal Immigrants.
To: info@gop.com
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Dear GOP,

My wife and I have been lifelong Republicans. We are both sad to say we
can no longer support our party. After seeing the protests today showing
upside down American flags and upright flags from nations other than the
land that I love we are deeply saddened. What the Mexican officials who
spoke at these illegal assemblies had to say I found most disturbing. We
have been invaded and all these illegal aliens are being allowed to stir
up malcontent and hate in our nation. They all should have been rounded up
and deported by the national guard.

I have two good friends, one who is a landscaper, and the other who is a
tree cutter. Over the last two years they've both lost important jobs
illegals who undercut there pay. They both now are the only native born
Americans citizens on the crews they work. They most likely both will
likely have to search for work at a lower wage again soon. This flood of
illegals is killing the citizens of our working class.

I am a network engineer and as yet not been affect as they have. But I see
daily how these illegals have now regard for our laws, language, and way
of life. The are deviding the latino population from us. With their anchor
babies, education, health care, taxes, vehicle collisions, insurance
claims, food aid, housing, lack of driver's licenses they are forcing
their way into our nation unlike no immigration in the history of America.

So my wife Meredith and I can no longer support a party who favors cheap
illegal labor over those of our citizens that have formed the backbone of
our country, the blue collar working man. I will no longer be making
donations, writting letters, and calling radio stations in support of the
GOP. My support, time, and money is going to be redirected for the working
man, the ALI-PAC, and the Minuteman Civil Defense Corps. I will do this
with a passion until my lifelong party can open their eyes and remember
the oath they took to uphold all the law of the nation. Most importantly
the immigration laws that are supposed to protect us all here in our
homeland from these spanish speaking invaders from the south.