My e-mail to Gov Easley:

Governor Easley, I am immensely disappointed with your decision to use taxpayer money to provide illegal aliens residing in North Carolina with Spanish audio tapes. It is my understanding these tapes provide these illegals with legal advice. First, I resent my tax dollars being used for this purpose; second, it would seem that your legal support and assistance of the illegals makes you a party to their crime of illegal entry to this country; and third, by allowing these criminals to remain in this state, it would appear that you are not providing for the safety and security of the citizens of North Carolina as you swore to do in taking the oath of your office. You really need to take these spanish tapes off your website!! It creates a lot of resentment!!

The Reply from his Office:

Dear Mr.__________
Thank you for writing the Office of the Governor. The Spanish-language audiotapes are designed to help our new residents make the transition to life in North Carolina. BB&T Bank provides this service at no cost to the citizens of the state. These tapes bridge the language barrier and provide the new residents with important information to help them live and work in North Carolina.

Thank you,
Kelley McFarland
Office of the Governor

Soooo! The illegals are residents now. How nice!!!