I think now more than ever we need to go on the offensive.

STAGE 1: We MUST let people know about all the victims of Illegals around the country. We are losing the Propaganda war here folks. So many people dont know why Illegals are bad for this country or what they can do about it. We also need to keep pushing information about what companies are friendly to Illegals and which ones hire them regularly. Knowledge is power and we absolutely must win this part of it if we are to have a chance.....

STAGE 2: Our children. Our children must really be brought into the frey. They have as much, if not more at stake here than all of us. They also have a voice and many have great organizational skills. They are just looking for something to bring them together to fight for. We need them as much as they need us my friends....

STAGE 3: WE MUST NOT let the Illegals and pro Illegal folks intimidate us and cuase us to fear them. If we are afraid and back down we are finished. Dig deep. These scumbags are literally raping our country and our people. If that doesnt get you angry as hell I dont know what does. I am furious at these Illegals and their supporters and frankly they are just pushing their luck right now. Dont let them intimidate you guys and support everyone else and let them know you are there for them.
WE NEED MORE LEADERS. People of real courage to step forward and take the bull by the horns. Men and women of resolve, that do not discourage and can be the backbone of our fight....

Parsippany NJ