All countries have borders. That is what makes a country a country. All countries have laws and rules to abide by. The United States is no different. Or should I say that is the way it USED to be? If we do away with our borders and let just anyone and everyone in, then allow them to change our laws and rules to what suits them, where does that leave the United States of America and all it's Legal citizens?
Mexicans and every other persons from foreign lands who come to our country needs to understand we have laws that EVERYONE abides by. If they want to come here to live, then they need to be prepared to go through the legal channels to do it no matter how long it takes. Then they have to be prepared to take an oath to accept our laws and rules and way of life and to be willing to give up citizenship of their homeland and become one with the rest of us. They need to learn our language and accept our views on religion and cultures. They need to be willing to leave their homeland flags in their homeland. If they are not willing to do those things, then they are not willing to give up their ways of life nor their country. Nobody can be citizens of two countries at the same time. They have a choice to make, not us. We made our choice by staying in our country and following it's laws and cultures and rules. We are loyal to one country and one country alone. Can they say that? If they cannot say that about the United States of America, then NO, they are not LEGAL American Immigrants. They are ILLEGAL ALIENS. Trespassers in our country. They are not even Immigrants in any sense of the word. For them to call themselves Immigrants is an insult to all who have come here the legal way.