By Jerry McConnell Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Why Should WE Pay For Free Health Insurance for Illegal Aliens?

Why is that man that sits illegally in the Oval Office spending OUR tax dollars to give 12 million (at least) illegal aliens free health insurance? Who does he really think he is; the health fairy?

Who told him he could spend all these taxpayers’ dollars on people who broke the law to sneak into this country instead of waiting their turn like the good people of Europe and other countries who wait their turn on our standard immigration lists and get nothing for their obedience to our laws while the cheats get a free ticket?

It’s almost like the gang of cheats and thieves that Obama has surrounded himself with at the White House; try to find one that ISN’T a tax cheat.

And while we’re at it; who are these crazy people who call themselves Congressmen allowing him to do it? Just who are the craziest among us? I’ll tell you who – it is us; we the taxpayers who worked hard to save some money to pay our taxes so we could get things done in this country and possibly help those most needy that cannot fend for themselves and need financial assistance to get by.

We didn’t pay all those taxes to our federal government so that a bunch of criminals, who stole across our borders in the dark of night, raided our farmers fields and in many cases, their homes as well, to get health insurance that WE have to pay even MORE money to get.

Why in God’s name should we have to pay for insurance for those who are criminals, most of whom actually hate us and our country and would do anything in their power to help their ally, our usurper president, destroy us and our homeland?

There are even murderers among the many millions who are here illegally. These are Obama’s people; we are NOT his people, we are his chattel to steal from at his whims and desires so that HIS people can benefit.

This charlatan and seducer of young peoples’ minds does NOT have the right to just take our tax dollars that were paid to improve our country and just GIVE it away so some of these new illegal aliens will become citizens and have the power and privilege to vote for him and his crooked and corrupt henchmen and women in our Congress.

Why isn’t there some one or some other government department that can stop this blatant thievery? Can and will you answer that question Mr. Chief Justice of the SCOTUS?

One Republican Congressman, Dean Heller of Nevada, submitted an Amendment to prevent subsidizing health care to illegal aliens. It was unanimously backed by other Republican representatives from other states, but the liberal Democrats unanimously sided with Obama to defeat the amendment then went on to approve the actual bill in the House.

Is this the kind of government we can expect to see in these final days of the United States as a free nation? Can we expect more raids on our tax dollars and even our income savings accounts? At what point can we expect the American public to stand up and say, “ENOUGHâ€