AS I sit here typing there are 1,032 visitors on our site!!!!

My guess would be that you are here because you are upset by the 1348 AMNESTY legislation being rammed through the Senate this week.

Please understand that while you are reading this message, there are supporters for this Amnesty Legislation that are right now on phones, most notably a 800 toll free number in Spanish that is paid for by supporters of Amnesty to make sure illegals and their supporters are heard.

They are mailing out prefilled post cards provided to them by these same supporters.

There are numerous groups such as LULAC, La RAZA and even our own Catholic Church which is planning a train ride to DC to protest.
They have unlimited funds and a lot of that is at tax payer expense!!!

Big business and the Chamber of Commerce is supporting Amnesty to for their own selfish reason. Even our President supports this legislation, choosing foreign nationals over the will and the welfare of the American people.

Having said all of that, remember that we have something that they do not have.....the vote. That is our strength and don't let them fool you, they are worried about what we will do with it. It is OUR leverage and it is up to us to use it!

I am urging you to go to the BLITZ thread in this section and get the list of all of the Senators and start calling to fill up their voice mail boxes!!!!!

We must speak out for ourselves and we must do it in a unified way!
We have the numbers this time, in the future this might not be the case!

Our country needs us to defend her right now.
She needs our love and support and hard work!
She needs the citizens of this country to come together in a positve strong way to insist that these Senators hear us and respond to us and vote no for this bill!

It is up to each of us now to pick out our phones, write our emails and send faxes. The time is very very short now.
We must make them understand how many of us there are out here and how angry and betrayed we feel!

Please don't leave it up to someone else to speak for you!!!!!
Be the voice for your family!
Stand up for your rights as Americans!

Demand they vote no for this bill.
You will be so glad that you spent your time helping your country!
You will feel satisfied and proud to know you were a part of the destiny of our country. You will be a part of HISTORY!!!!!!!!


Each of us can do this. Each of us Must do this!
It is our obligation as citizens!!!

Right now as we speak there are young Americans fighting and dying for freedom in IRAQ! What kind of a country do they deserve to come home to?

They can't pick up the phone while they are carrying a rifle!
We have to speak for them!
Ramos and Compean can not pick up the phone in jail!
We must be their voices!!!

The 12-25 murder victims of illegal aliens a day can not pick up the phone to call against this AMNESTY, but you can be their voice!!!!!

Someday we are all going to have to face our children's generation and tell them what we did when this Amnesty was in legislation. Let us all be able to look into our childrens eyes with great pride and tell them that we fought back and we stopped it before it could destroy our home!

Thank you