Hey all, just got finished watching an encouraging story on my local DC news-

It was all about former illegal alien Dr. Quinones - the premier brain surgeon at Johns Hopkins.The way this story was presented I definately got the impression(I'm not kidding) we-Americans-should be ashamed for thinking poorly of illegals because someday they will save our lives.

The reporter intro-ed the piece by saying how immigrants are often steroetyped as day laborers and maids.

Dr.Q-as he is called-told of how he jumped the border fence in San Diego and took on "back breaking" work as a tomato picker but knew college "would be his salvation".Along the way he got legalized.
He mentioned how the hands once used to pick tomatoes are now used to save lives and that the American Dream is real.
I felt this story was nothing but propaganda, as it was followed by a story on a Maryland county that is against what Prince William County is doing and that this county in Md. thinks giving services to illegals will save money and be helpful all around.

I found this story offensive because it IMHO was aired to encourage illegals and the dream act, which I'm sure it will be used for the next time that amnasty is brought up again.

I contacted the station and let them know how appreciative of the encouraging story I was and that it was just a shame that the kids in Newark,Dani Countryman and all the American citizen crime victims of illegals everyday just got a few of the "bad apples" that flood this country daily.

Thanks all for letting me rant.