Hello fellow alipac members. I havent posted here in a while because I've been busy with college and work. I feel compelled to post my opinions on the Barack Obama's views of our great country America and compare it to the Human right's and economy that China has. The idea to do this, came about about when I watched a video some time ago where president Obama made the statement "America should be more like China." We know that obama is socialist, and that China is primarily ran by a socialist communist government. Here is a little information about common day China that might make you question if you haven't already, why president Obama would make such a statement.

China is a nation that lacks many human rights, the death penalty in China is not reserved only for murderer's like in the USA but a Chinese citizen can face punishable death by committing acts such as tax evasion, fraud, prostitution, and many other harmless law breaking acts. Despite the on going fight for human rights in China, the government doesn't seem to allow it to the extent that all humans are entitled to. China leaves a large majority of its population to live in poverty, and many of these people are forced by the government to give up everything they have if officials order it. One example of this, over 1.13 million Chinese citizens were relocated agaisnt their will during the construction of the Three Gorges dam, completed in 2006. Accusations of corruption over money sent to the town of Gaoyang for the purpose of relocation for 13,000 farmers was reported. The money disappeared after it was sent to the local government, and residents were denied compensation and were forced into extreme poverty and homeless. China executes more people a year then the whole world combined.

In the last couple of years the Chinese government issued a nationwide brutal holocaust of nearly 500,000 companion animals. Due to a rabies scare, many chinese officials were ordered to brutally torture stray cat's and dogs to their deaths. However chinese officials took it too far, and forced residents who had pets that were inauculated agaisnt the disease to be taken out of their home and gruesomely tortured and killed the animals infront of the families. Many other officials stopped residents who were walking their pets and told them that they had to take the animals because they were not registered. The animals were blugeoned to death, boiled alive, hog tied and thrown into the back of trucks, hung by poles through the neck, and many other disgusting methods to inflict pain and eventual death. In China it costs 1200.00 to register your pet, unfortunetly for the many residents of china this outstanding cost is out of the question due to the poverty. You can imagine how they must have felt seeing their beloved companions so heartlessly taken away from them for this unjust reason. In a country like China where human rights are so little, one must note that there is no Animal rights.

China has a very secretive government. The people's republic of china does not accurately report how many death penalties, and human rights violations they ...violate. Some examples of this are: Although the 1982 constitution guarantees freedom of speech,the Chinese government often uses the subversion of state power clause to imprison those who are critical of the government. Also, there is very heavy government involvement in the media, with most of the largest media organizations being run directly by the government.

In anticipation of the 2008 Summer Olympics, China faced international criticism regarding its human rights record. China has acknowledged "the need to keep advancing human rights, and resumed a human rights dialog with the United States. A number of foreign protesters were deported from China during the Games. Others were detained until the closing ceremony and then deported..An unauthorised protest by seven activists protesting about China's involvement in Tibet at the Chinese Ethnic Culture Park, blocking its entrance, was cleared away by the authorities. The Chinese government had promised to issue permits allowing people to protest in so-called 'protest parks' during the Games,but on 18 August it was reported that of 77 applications, 74 were withdrawn, two suspended and one vetoed. Two elderly Chinese women were reported to have been sentenced to "re-education through labour" for having applied for a permit. Although the Chinese government does not interfere with Chinese people's privacy as much as it used to, it still deems it necessary to keep tabs on what people say in public. Internet forums are strictly monitored, as is international postal mail (this is sometimes inexplicably "delayed" or simply "disappears") and e-mail.

These are just a few of the many horrible things that happen under socialist rule. So ask yourself, is this the kind of life president Obama beleives that Americans deserve? Is this the great "change" he spoke about for the people? Does he plan on alliancing himself with so many foreign nation dictators, and continue to let the increasingly large wave of illegal immigrants, and drug trafficing into America so that he can
change the face of this nation suited to the needs of his socialist beleifs? Too many Americans are naive and blinded by the "charisma" president Obama uses so slyly to gain the trust of citizens. What world have we turned into, where one cannot speak out agaisnt political crime's in the white house and theyre accused of being a racist or a terrorist for it?

We need to take back America from all the anti-freedom protestors who alliance themselves with Mexico whilst they rob the fruits of the colorful American people. We need to make sure that Obama does not serve a second term and change the face of this great nation. WE NEED TO WAKE UP! President obama is not on my side, is he on yours? Obama is the face of the new American government, the government that isn't for the people, if we dont start acting resonsibly as Americans. And I say to my fellow Latin/hispanic Americans...Obama does not care about you either. So wake up! And get on the people's side, alliancing yourself with Obama will bring no change for you that makes your life any better either.

All information is taken from reliable research sources, such as wikipedia, you tube, and ect. Links are below~

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_righ ... c_of_China
http://www.japantoday.com/category/worl ... st-century
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I-IvjXnkHwA - video of obama saying america should be more like china. Don't forget that China forces economy, military, and infrastructure. In China you can't deny what youre told to do. China uses millions of extreme poverty stricken working class construction workers to build their infastructure and many of them live on the job site and get paid very low wages. We could have good infastructure too, if we enslave americans and force these working conditions on them!