
Since you participate here on our boards, I want to give you all advanced notice about something wonderful that will happen between Mon-Wed of this coming week.

Thanks to the actions of the NC Bankers Association and their propaganda study that should be titled "We really should let illegal aliens stay because we need them in our economy" we have a new idea!

They should have put a disclaimer on their study saying "By the way, we are giving taxpayer backed FHA loans to illegal aliens that has had an impact on our "study"

Sample Report on the study

This move by the NC Bankers Association has shown us exactly where American citizens that want illegal immigration stopped need to focus their attention.

On banks and the construction industry and other employers.

We should thank those that paid for this study because here is our response.

In the next few days, everyone here on the boards and on our national alerts list will receive a new flyer with activist suggestions.

The new flyer, will be in both English and Spanish and will be placed in our ALIPAC Action Panel (top blue tool bar) in the activism section next to our first flyer released a few months ago.

ALIPAC's first flyer ... age&pid=24

This flyer can be placed on work sites, in break rooms, on walls, and places where other flyers are legally placed.

It explains how employers can use the SAVE program to make sure they only have Americans and Legal aliens working for them.

It also explains how employees and concerned citizens can report employers to ICE directly or through our friends at

This flyer is a joint project between FIRE Coalition /, ALIPAC, and LAIR (Latino Americans for Immigration Reform ... Lupe Moreno's group)

When the flyer is released, we will ask all allied organizations to carry the news and notify their lists to begin distribution.

We will do a statewide and national press release and I will go on the airwaves to promote the flyer.

Several press sources are very interested in this new tactic we will deploy.

We hope that each of you will help us circulate the flyer online and distribute it on the ground.

This will be our main focus next week.

We will be placing a valuable tool in the hands of the public that contains vital info.

These flyers can be put up discretely and anonymously by workers in their own work areas.

Everyone might want to consider buying some more printer paper, tape, tacks, and ink cartriges this weekend.

Can you imagine what the reaction of the managers and employers will be when they see these flyers going up?