Why should this site be any different?

A neighbor of mine came over to talk today and shared with me some concerns. As we were talking, I began to share my thoughts about this Amnesty problem with the illegal immigrates from Mexico . She agreed, it is a problem! “I am a Veteran , and I served my Country it didn’t serve me!” She was born on a Indian Reservation and she was taken from her parents and put into Foster care after her parents were killed. She went from foster care to foster care homes. Many homes she was abused, and finally when there seems hope by adoption, the government DFCS officials gave her to Alcoholics! They burned all her records including her birth papers and the only records she has is, as an adult. Our government SSI won’t accept her DD214 which is a Federal Document as proof of her age. But the Federal Government will accept fraudulant SS cards illegally aquired by illegal immigrants as proof to recieve benefits by the use of false cards! They make me sick!, she added. I have to agree! Therefore she can’t get Social Security even though she is of age to receive it now. She is angry that the illegal Immigrants can come here and demand all our programs, our SSI, our Food stamps, our housing, our medical relief and yet she can’t get her SSI at her elder age until her documents are found. She has two senators working on it! She is a high ranking officer of the DAV locally. When I mentioned this site and all the people here who speak out against this Illegal Immigration to her, “ Why bother our Government doesn’t care and the people don’t care and if you speak up, it gets censored, why should this site be any different?,” she replied! I didn’t have an answer, “I said I got rebottled a rebuke of sorts by one lady in the forum one day to my surprise, but I will still share my thoughts because I am One Voice speaking Loudly and I will get heard!