Illegal immigrants, they are here by the millions. Their voices are loud. They are backed by all kinds of special interest groups and people in power. They scream that we are racist and heartless, all the while displacing American citizens and ruining lives.

We have laws and laws to enforce those laws and laws that are completely ignored and some you can pick and choose. What the hell? Where did the USA go?

We are fighting for jobs, fighting for our own language, fighting to be heard. We pay our tax dollars so that illegals can have free healthcare while many of us have none for ourselves. We pay our tax dollars so that a foreigner has his every need met while our citizens fall helplessly through the cracks.

Am I Alice in wonderland where nothing makes sense? Have I fallen down the rabbit hole with no way out? What's up is down and down is up.

Are we winning or losing? Every time I turn around I see an illegal laughing in our faces because they got their way, because they are here and they arn't going anywhere as they say. Every time I turn around, there is some bleeding heart citizen standing up for an illegal and completely ignoring the poor citizen who has worked hard his entire life and is losing everything.

I am often overwhelmed and feel bruised and beaten emotionally. I am losing faith. It is as though the ground beneath my feet has shifted and I am falling through.

There is so much insanity to this issue of illegal immigration, where a foreigner is placed high upon his pedastal and a citizen fights for scraps.
So much misery watching as they gather in astounding numbers all across the USA changing things as we know it. My God, give me my Country back!