[b]Would CBS or NBC or ABC do this
We all know how damaging it is for illegal immigration to continue.
It is my wish that we as a group contact any of the top news broadcast like CBS and NBC l
And ask them to do more that a 10 second report on just how bad it is.
I do NOT know how to setup a letter that all you have to do is put in your return address and have people fill it out and click send. But I am sure we have some very intelligent people in this group that can do the job of composing the letter
And set it up like a petition to send to the news station – I am not even sure they would consider the request to air real info that though illegal immigration that so many sex offenders cross the border illegally each day , and the fact that Many many Americans are raped and murdered and robed because of it.

And kidnapped for a number of reasons – That’s my thought for the day …[/b]