I know alot of you are probably sitting crying because you can never gather the numbers we got, lets tell some truth, because alot of you are "trying" to bring down the numbers at todays rallies just to make yourself feel better and less shameful. But tommorow we will see the final numbers in newspapers will we.

Immigrants Vs Hold Their Feet to the Fire CHICAGO

" Chicago Police spokeswoman Monique Bond estimated the total crowd including those still en route to the rally to 125000" . How many you had 20? Chicagotribune


"Police estimate 25,000 marchers .Second march has not yet began at Olympic/Vermont. How many you had in LA? 5?


"95000 according to AzCentral, 2500 in Tucson" How many you had 0?

Plus Denver, Oakland, San Francisco, New York, Washington DC and many many more. Thanks for trying to compete with us, now head back to your corners and continue whining because there is nothing you can do lol