We need to show what Americans really think in regard to the Illegal Immigration issue! Hopefully, this may serve to assist our ALIPAC leaders in strengthening and presenting our cause by gathering opinions that are comprehensive to a specific topic. I encourage ALIPAC Members to post such requests for opinions in order to accumulate as many responses as possible or at least to share their viewpoints that are relevant to the questions posed. Thank you.

I have been appalled at how many newscasts I have seen that clearly show the flags of various Socialist organizations as well as the red flags of the Marxist (Communist) Party among the demonstrators and supporters for Illegal Migrants in various rallies: most notably, the "May Day" Rally in MacArthur Park and at other venues in the nation. Not only are prominent pictures of Communist Rebel Che Guevarra displayed in these marches with a plea for "Open Borders," but his picture is often enshrined in various representations around Hispanic neighborhoods. Don't forget that it was Karl Marx who stated that with open borders, Communism could take over the world. The hypocrisy of it all is evident: those Socialists and Marxists claim to be all for human rights; but in reality, those organizations have suppressed human rights and freedoms in every country in which they have gained control. In my own personal opinion, there's a hidden agenda in the Illegal Immigration issue and the Illegal Migrants are fueling that agenda whether they know it or not.

Here is the Question:

What do you feel about this situation and how important do you feel it should be to address the involvement of Socialist and Marxist movements in relation to the Illegal Immigration problem in a more outright manner?

How do you feel we may be able to educate the American public in regard to the inherent dangers of Marxist support of Illegal Migrants and by allowing it to happen without speaking up about it? How do you feel this would impact the Illegal Immigration problem if we took more of a stand against their Marxist supporters? What can be done about it? Is this something we should definitely be concerned about?