SICK, SICK, SICK to death of hearing the same on rhetoric, excuse, B.S. same of song and dance over and over that our immigration system in broken, they are in the shadows and to bring the out we need to give them drivers license and a path to citizenship, enforcement is separating families and tramatizing children, they are contributing to our economy and doing jobs American will not do, we cannot round them up, put them on busses and deport them, they are law abiding, hard working people who just want to give their children a better life. All this as an excuse to let them stay and give them amnesty.

1. They are in the shadows and we don’t know who they are. To bring them out of the shadows we need to give them amnesty.

They are not in the shadows, they are in our neighborhoods, schools, in emergency rooms, on the job, on the streets protesting and driving, buying houses and cars, in our courtrooms and jails, clean your houses, nannies for you children and cutting your lawn.They are not hiding underground somewhere waiting for amnesty. They senate and the house may not see them because they are not in their neighborhoods, competing for their jobs, on their streets dealing in drugs and gang banging, defacing their property with graffiti. I doubt if they are even cleaning your houses, caring for your children and cutting your lawns anymore. I doubt if they ever see a real illegal aliens except on tv.

2. They are hard working, law abiding people that only want a better life for their children. (Have you noticed lately it is all about the children.) They are contributing to our economy and we need them to do the jobs Americans will not do.

The economy may be great for corporations but ask those who have lost their jobs to outsourcing and to illegal aliens and have seen their wages go down and they pay check smaller, their struggle to pay the mortgage, harder to pay for healthcare and to send their children to college.
They cost of living is going up. It’s harder to pay for utilities and gasoline, price of food is going up constantly. Try telling them that the economy is great and the illegal workforce is keeping prices down and we need illegal workforce.
Go into any WalMart and compare prices this month to last month.
There are no jobs American will not do. They jobs that Americans are not doing are jobs that have been taken from them by illegal aliens.

Some of those 20 million illegal aliens are committing unmentionable crimes.


If farmers are hurting because they do not have enough workers it is because the workers that they had last season is now taking jobs from Americans in the inner cities.
Farmers are producing more in order to feed the 20 million illegal aliens and those that are coming daily adding to the population that has to be feed. Not only does farmers have to produce more, but corporation have to produce more products also, as community services has to service more people. Demand is greater thus supply is greater. So who is benefitting from the illegal workforce and who is not? The losers are the American tax payers and state and local governments and health care services. We are all hurting and we are all fighting back because we are sick and tired of paying the price of illegal immigration.

3. And this is my favorite one;
We cannot round them up, put them on busses and deport them. We cannot find them, it cost too much, it would take busses lined up form coast to coast, it would take 20 years. So the only solution is to let them stay and give them a path to citizenship.

Well, enforcement by ICE has proven that to be a great big lie. With workplace enforcement, raid, arrest they have been deportation and with states passing new laws against illegal immigration, they are self deporting with their children. They are self deporting without busses lined up from coast to coast, cost to the taxpayers and it will not take 20 years if the immigration laws we already have are enforced. All that is needed is more ICE agents and the job would get done because once they see that ICE is not going to stop or be stopped from doing their job and they cannot work they will leave with their belonging and with their children. The fact is they can be rounded up, put on busses and deported but it is not necessary. Enforcement bring them out of the shadows and busses are not needed.

4. Enforcement separated children from their parents and tramatize children.

Enforcement has been on the books for years and can no longer be ignored. Enforcement was here before the children. No one can separate the children from their parent but the parents. Just because they are American citizens is no excuse to leave them behind, so the illegal parent can stay with them. They can be taken to Mexico in the same manner that they brought children with them here from Mexico. Their American born children are not anchors. ICE has proved that.
The 14th amendment must be interpreted correctly or repealed or rescinded retro-active.

5. Our immigration system is broken, so we need to fix it with immigration reform that allows a path to citizenship.

Our immigration system is not broken. Illegal aliens and advocated just don[‘t like it. There is nothing wrong with our immigration laws that enforcement will not fix. They don’t want enforcement because that means no more illegal immigrating and no more cheap labor for corporations.