• ALIPAC: More like Cantor still need to be booted

    ALIPAC: More like Cantor still need to be booted

    An immigration enforcement activist who worked hard to help defeat House Majority Leader Eric Cantor in the Virginia Republican primary says it's hardly the time to celebrate because there are many more pro-amnesty candidates that need to be defeated.

    Republican tea party forces are celebrating and the party establishment is in shock in the wake of Cantor's primary defeat Tuesday at the hands of political neophyte David Brat. The challenger had attacked Cantor on the issue of amnesty for illegal aliens.

    Wednesday, June 11, 2014
    Chad Groening

    William Gheen is president of Americans for Legal Immigration PAC (ALIPAC), which endorsed Brat and campaigned hard against Cantor. He cites two specific factors in Cantor's defeat.

    "What happened with Eric Cantor was a combination of the majority [of voters] opposing any form of immigration reform amnesty – and enough people working hard enough to actually reach them and inform them of that before they voted," he tells OneNewsNow.

    But Gheen warns that people shouldn't get too happy about Cantor's defeat because there are many other pro-amnesty candidates out there.

    Gheen, William (ALIPAC)"We've got to contact at least 45 other Republicans just like Eric Cantor in the United States Congress," he states. "People need to be calling those offices and going onto their Facebook accounts and saying Eric Cantor just lost because of his support for amnesty. We know you support amnesty – and you're next."

    Gheen says the defeat of Cantor doesn't guarantee victory over those who still want amnesty passed in 2014.
    This article was originally published in forum thread: ALIPAC: More like Cantor still need to be booted started by imblest View original post