• Stop The Harry Reid Weekend Amnesty Ambush!

    Warning! There are only 12 days left in our funds drive and if we do not get a stronger response from supporters right away, ALIPAC will be forced into emergency mode, which would take our focus off of fighting the amnesty bill at a critical time. Illegal alien supporters will make a big deal about our operations being forced into crisis and will use such an event to help pass the bill. We will make the decision about going into emergency mode Monday morning, so please send your support our way via our secure online donations link below before making some new important calls to the Senate!

    New Calls Needed to the Senate Today!

    We have succeeded so far in slowing the Obama backed nation destroying amnesty bill. This is good because every hour we slow the bill from the final Cloture vote, more Americans find out how bad the bill is and turn against it. The Senate and Reid have backed down several times on their rush to vote when we have attacked their abuse of process, so let us do that together by the thousands today!

    Call every Senate office on this list of new targets--
    List of Senators Americans May Be Able To Persuade To Vote No on Cloture for Amnesty

    Deliver your own version of this message--

    "I'm calling to ask Senator ________ to stop Harry Reid from trying to call a vote on the illegal alien amnesty bill S. 744 this weekend while the media and public are focused on their families instead of Washington! Why is Reid being slimy and deceptive by trying to get you to vote on such an important bill on a weekend instead of normal business hours? Voting on this bill over the weekend will be rightfully seen as underhanded, deceptive, and improper! Please ask Senator _____ to inform Senator Reid that he/she will not participate in weekend voting on important bills that need the full attention of the American public and press!"

    If you need any assistance or have any questions or feedback, please post your comments on this activism link where thousands of visitors will read your comments along with our opponents and our core online activists....

    Let's roll!

    The ALIPAC Team
    This article was originally published in forum thread: Stop The Harry Reid Weekend Amnesty Ambush started by ALIPAC View original post