Is Allah the Antichrist?

Video suggests John saw Arabic writing in Revelation visions

Published: 1 day ago by Michael Carl Email | Archive
Michael Carl is a veteran journalist with overseas military experience and experience as a political consultant. He also has two Master's Degrees, is a bi-vocational pastor and lives with his family in the Northeast United States.More ↓Less ↑

Bible and Middle Eastern scholars are noting a similarity between the Arabic name for Allah and the Greek letters naming the Beast of Revelation.
Former PLO operative turned Christian Arabic-language researcher Walid Shoebat affirms there’s evidence that the name of Allah in Arabic is what the apostle John saw in his vision of the Antichrist’s name in the book of Revelation.

Shoebat, author of “God’s War on Terror,” explained that because John didn’t know Arabic, it’s possible he transcribed the name of the Beast as best he could into Greek letters. The Arabic name for “Allah” and its accompanying symbols resembles the ancient Greek script for “666.”
“It seems that more Bible prophecy students are coming to grips with what we stated years ago in ‘God’s War on Terror,’” Shoebat said. “Skeptics argue that the three Greek letters are Greek and not Arabic, yet none deny that these three Greek letters do read in Arabic. I find that interesting. In other words, we have been telling the truth.
“Some die-hard skeptics will ignore the very symbols given by John, and people will always try to poke holes into any theory,” Shoebat said, “but the evidence is overwhelming.”


Discover the shocking links between Islamic prophecy and the Bible in Shoebat’s “God’s War on Terror” from the WND SuperStore!

Shoebat said the key to the theory connecting the name of Allah to the Beast is understanding the significance of names.
He quotes from Revelation 13:7: “And that no man might buy or sell, save that he had the mark, or the name of the Beast, or the number of the name.”
“Indeed, we have three flavors: mark, name and number,” Shoebat said. “Yet most focus and argue over the mark while they ignore the name.”
In the Bible, he explained, a name is a title or creed.
“For example, Jesus was called Emmanuel, ‘God with us.’ While His name is not literally Emmanuel, its meaning is,” Shoebat said. “He is God with us. Similarly, the name of the Beast is his title and creed and not a literal name.”
Want to delve deeper into the Islamic connection to the End Times? Be sure to read “The Islamic Antichrist” and “Mideast Beast” by Joel Richardson.
Shoebat said the most compelling case for the similarity between the Greek name for the Beast and the name for Allah is how Muslims wear the name of Allah.
“Any Christian skeptic who would like to argue that the Islamic creed, the name, the title and the declaration of faith is not blasphemous, please step forth,” Shoebat said. “Yet is it not what many Muslims put on their forehead? Or are we still led to believe the mark of the Beast to be a computer chip?”