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  1. #111
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by PatSavvy
    This vitriol from a bigoted blogger at the Daily Gross lacks substance; it isn't worthy of a response. Please ignore it. Whatever shape America takes in the future will bear the scars of wars of words like this. It is our duty to continue to fight for common sense, fiscal responsibility, and limited government. Supporters of those precepts are not limited to the Caucasian race nor does race play a role in the dialogue. America and its culture are under siege by myriad forces drunk on money and power and fueled by anger. I'm reminded of two quote that appropriate and ironic:

    "Contempt for happiness is usually contempt for other people's happiness, and is an elegant disguise for hatred of the human race."
    -Bertrand Russell

    "Liberation is an ever shifting horizon, a total ideology that can never fulfill its promises. It has the therapeutic quality of providing emotionally charged rituals of solidarity in hatred - it is the amphetamine of its believers."
    -Arianna Huffington
    i agree , i couldn't even finish reading this racist article ... not even worth my time .

  2. #112
    Member kn529's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Look at some of the countries MOD EDIT. How about Hati, Somalia, Rwanda, Mexico, Dominican Republic. Nothing but poverty and corruption at every level, civil wars. Yet, if we don't step up and kick the majority of these foreigners, legal and illegal, out of our country, I am afraid that is where we are headed. I can already see it happening.

  3. #113
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Tucson, AZ

    Illegal Immigration

    The most overlooked item in this whole tirade would be the illegal in illegal immigrates. There are reasons that countries have a pre determined numbers of immigrants we can accept into the country. This is not just an American issue it is an issue that the world believes in including our neighbor to the south Mexico. The truth of the matter is it takes some effort to become a citizen of American and not all are willing to make the effort. Even at that there are other ways to work in the country and not become citizens. That also takes effort. I am bewildered to find people are paying cayotes astronomical prices to come into this country illegal and too often pay with their lives. It is all to easy to blame the country you want to come into that people are willing to bring with them their children and Goddess help me their pregnant wives. They cross the border with no idea where they are going and not even close the amount of food and specificaly water to finish their journey. Who is responsible for immigrants dying in the dessert, there is no way that USA is responsible for that. I know families like to stay together, that answers bringing the kids. Bringing a pregant women across the dessert is homicidal. I can onlly think of one reason one would do that in two words, anchor babies. That is what I said anchor babies. The idea that if a child is born in America the proud mom and dad will also become citizens.

    Who I truly feel sorry for is a story I heard of. There was this one case of someone who came into the country when he was two years old. As it turned out his grandmother was sick and he wante to see her and had to come back to Mexico to do it. Coming back to America he was caught and sent back to Mexico. He thought he was a citizen but the sad fact was he did not become a citizen in all the years he lived since he was 2. In fact the only way he could become a citizen was to come back home and do it legally. He had lived the majority of his life in the United States and knew nothing about Mexico including the language that was spoken What the hell is suposed to do? All the parents thought of was chasing the American dream which unfortuantely has not exsisted for decades because it has been outsourced.

    I heard to come into the country with the help of a guide will cost one to two thousand dollars. If there are no jobs in Mexico where is the money coming to pay a Cayote? Some people who live farther away can pay up to six thousand dollars. Why don't people take the money the use to come into someone elses country to start their own little buisiness? The problem is many people need to take more thn one time to be successfull. It is a shame that people who are so proud of their heratage don't think till the next pay check before they decide to make a run for the border. Your country is hemoraging the life blood of your country. The life blood is your young men and women who make the country work. What is going to happen to Mexico and other countries when the only people left in your country is old people and tourists.

    In the mean time coming over the way you do is a burden on my country. Because you are illegal is bad for you and bad or the country. You pay taxes on a country you will not benifit from when you are old yourself. My inlaws had a perpmenent green card. When they say retirement in the future they discovered one thing. Not a citizen you do not qualify for social security benifits. So they did the one thing they did not want to do, they became citizens. Fortunately because they were legal all the years they lived here they were able to get good jos, no not jobs cariers. So it was worth becoming a citizen and did not have any problems becoming citizens because they were good citizens and had many references to confirm that. Living in the shadow of being caught and sent back is a miserable way to live. Back in the day when Jimmy Carter was president he came to Mexico and saw how the crops did not fair well. It was because
    the soil was overworked and could not support life. They were taught something that George Washington came up with long ago, the simple idea of crop rotation with some land was used to not plant anything so it could recover. I see that many of the produce comes from Mexico but they say there are not enough jobs. That just brings me to one conclusion. The land is being robbed of its life. Crop rotation is not just a good idea it is an idea that keeps the crops prospering. There are other things for a country to prosper, but it all starts with good food.

    I recently learned that the crops that come from Mexico must be inspected because many of the crops that come in are infested and can easily infest the land the farmers have here. It sounds to me that instead of pitching in and staying in their country they run away. Most Americans believe in basic philosiphy of not giving up. During the great depression people decided to dig in and work even when there was no work. During the great dustball when the locust invaded the heatland crops they dug in and stayed. There was no leaving to find a better land somewhere else. It is easier to go elsewhere to make a living. The oddest thing I heard was that the illegals are finding that some make less money when they were back in their own country. There is no mistery in that. They are treating the land they flea to the same way the Mexicans treated their land. If you overbread your cattle you will not have little cows. If there are too many people coming into the country illegaly the resources that at one time were plentifull will soon be none existent. Even after WW11 countries found a way to recover. People faught the war together and recovered together. Just thinking how the British people not only survived the blitz they had the Germans on the run.

    So the most important point in my own tirade is take care of your own and you will be surprised what will happen. If the countries of the world helped other countries when they saw they needed help there would be no need to immigrate elsewhere legally or illegally. It is difficult to want to help someone when they are kicking you in the shins. I find a kind of selfishness when people come here illegaly without a plan, whithout proper gear to get anywhere. Thy come through our deserts and rape the land. There are ranchers who have seen the trail of discrase. They find their cattle killed, the water fouled and tons and tons of trash. And yet when an effort to make an erffort to turn the tide of illegal imigration are called all kinds of foul names. All the laws are supposed to accomplish is to determan who is here legally and who should go home. I finnd that this country is fast becoming the Titanic and is sinking fast. If people who are thinking of leaving home, stay there. The families that are fractured need to go back home and heal their famiies. That way if there is a need to leave your country there will be Americans waiting with open arms.


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