Sarah Palin’s Position on Immigration Reform

There is a lot of speculation concerning just where the McCain/Palin ticket will shake out over the issue of immigration reform, and while we already know that both Barack Obama and Joe Biden support amnesty for this nation’s more than 20 million illegal aliens, there are plenty of questions out there about McCain’s sincerity when he said he got the message on immigration, and as far as Sarah Palin goes, the woman has made no official announcement of record regarding her views on amnesty or on immigration reform. However, during an interview with radio talk show host Laura Ingraham, Sarah Palin appeared to be fairly firm in her opposition to comprehensive immigration reform. Firm enough, in fact, that the radio talk show host later stated about her, “She’s not for comprehensive reform, I can tell you that right now. She’s sick to death of this immigration nonsense in the United States.â€