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    Senior Member Darlene's Avatar
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    Why Leftists Oppose The Real ID Act ... 7858.shtml

    Why Leftists Oppose The Real ID Act

    By William Dipini Jr.
    Apr 14, 2005

    The loony Leftists have been expending an inordinate amount of energy towards distorting facts about the Real ID Act. With a plethora of facts afloat regarding how effortless it was for 9/11 hijackers to acquire drivers licenses, and how illegal aliens have been abusing our immigration system, one would think that the insipid Leftist mantra would cease.

    The Real ID Act (H.R. 41, sponsored by James Sensenbrenner (R-WI), establishes minimum standards that states must follow before issuing state drivers licenses and other types of identification. It affords judges the authority to determine the credibility of asylum seekers; and it makes it easier to deport illegal immigrants.

    The bill mirrors the suggestions put forth by the 9/11 Commission: "The federal government should set standards for the issuance of birth certificates and sources of identification, such as driver's licenses."

    All but one of the nefarious hijackers used drivers licenses to board our nation's airplanes. The lack of rational ID standards and loopholes in the immigration system killed over 3,000 Americans on 11 September 2001.

    It’s easy for terrorists to obtain drivers licenses. For example, according to the noted Mark Krikorian, in New York, nearly 60 drivers licenses were used under one Social Security number; an illegal alien used a driver’s license to work at a nuclear power plant in Florida; and since 1999, Utah has issued over 93,000 drivers licenses and non-driver identification cards to illegal immigrants without Social Security numbers.

    According to the Pew Hispanic Center based in Washington, there are nearly 11 million illegal immigrants in the U.S., and the majority of them came in undocumented. There’s this deluge of illegal vagrants entering my country and I don’t even know whether they are Islamic terrorists – this frightens me greatly. For example, six Iraqis were caught the other weektrying to sneak into the United States. And three illegal immigrants with state identification cards were arrested the other day -- they were working in a Chino, Cali. prison filling vending machines.

    These killers don’t come here to sip on Starbucks coffee. They don’t come here to take pictures with those big red-nosed clowns and silver robot wannabes from Times Square, NYC. These killers quickly seek drivers licenses with bogus documents to abuse our welfare system, abuse our public schools, take our jobs, take pictures of our beautiful tall buildings and bridges, and kill Americans.

    The Real ID Act would certainly put an end to this. But the loony Leftists disagree.

    From the ACLU, to the National Council of La Raza, to the Independent Institute in Oakland, to the City University of New York: radical Leftists are howling that the Act would be an "Orwellian monitoring by Big Brother," "would only serve to restrict our freedoms and invade our privacy," "would prevent asylum seekers into the United States," "would give plenary power to the Secretary of Homeland Security," "would ban illegal immigrants from obtaining drivers licenses."

    That this Act would usher in an Orwellian society is the most ludicrous, illogical, gratuitous comment I have ever heard – Watkins is in dire need for treatment.

    That the Act would infringe upon our rights and privacy is a lie. The minimum standards accentuated in the Act to obtain a drivers license are practically the same standards in place today. I mean, really, who are the radicals referring to when they say our freedoms and privacy are threatened?

    That the Act would prevent asylum seekers from entering is erroneous. Terrorists abuse the asylum system. Americans have the right to know whether there claim is factual. Provisions in the Act would require that they corroborate that they are asylum seekers, but would not prevent them from staying here.

    That the Act gives plenary power to the secretary of Homeland Security is untrue. Liberals are fond of this line, but they tend to leave out the rest. Section 102 clearly says that the secretary should have only the power "to ensure expeditious construction of the barriers and roads" at the border.

    It also says that the court cannot intervene – without this provision the court would play the activist role and our borders would never be protected.

    That some provisions in Section 202 of the Act would ban illegal immigrants from obtaining drivers licenses reveals how loony liberals are. As noted columnist Michelle Malkin pointed out, there are loopholes (202 (c)(2)(c)) that would prevent this from occurring. Thus, illegal aliens would still be able to obtain drivers licenses – I hope lawmakers do something about this.

    The hue and cry arising from loony Leftists against the Real ID Act exemplifies their zealous support for terrorists, asylum seekers, and non-English speaking, illegal interlopers. Leftist Deaniacs protect anti-American radicals like Ward Churchill and Charles Jaynes. They protect killers like Hamdi, Rasul, and Padilla.

    Yet, the same radical Deaniacs who have always been at the scene to protect an individual’s rights weren’t around to save Terri Schiavo from starvation – she was neither a terrorist nor an illegal immigrant.

    In the outlandish world of the loony Leftists, it is praxis to invoke ludicrous arguments against anything deemed inimical to anti-Americans, terrorists, illegal aliens, and gullible sycophants. It's a Leftist motif that is impossible to overlook.

    But don't worry. The Act will pass the Senate. And The United States will be the safest country in the world.

    William Dipini Jr. is a Government student at John Jay College of Criminal Justice. He contributes to The American Reporter and his columns have appeared on: Opinion Editorials, Starr Journal, Illegal, Townhall, and US Politics Today. He can be reached at

  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    Feb 2005
    But don't worry. The Act will pass the Senate. And The United States will be the safest country in the world.
    It is difficult for me to be as optimistic as you are. Enforce immigration laws!

  3. #3
    Senior Member Darlene's Avatar
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    Mar 2005

    I was hoping that one sentence wouldn't put a hex on it myself.

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