Divert Billions in Federal Funds to Illegal Aliens

President Obama’s rigged Census--Part II

By Dr. Paul L. Williams Tuesday, June 30, 2009
- thelastcrusade.org

Those who count the vote decide nothing. Those who count the voters decide everything. Joseph Stalin

It will determine which states gain seats in Congress and which ones lose them.

It will divert billions in federal funds to states and cities with the greatest number of illegal aliens.

It will support the conviction that America has become a bilingual country.

It will allocate of billions of taxpayers’ dollars to special interest groups, such as NAACP, Fundacion Azteca, Jesse Jackson’s Rainbow Push Coalition, and Acorn.

The dice have been loaded.

The results of the 2010 Census will be snake-eyes for the conservatives, Christians, and Caucasians who now inhabit the once fabled land of the free and the home of the brave.

Last February, Mr. Obama assumed complete control of the 2010 Census in sharp violation of Article 1, Section 2, of the Constitution.

This Article, which concerns the legislative rather than executive branch of government, stipulates that the “enumerationâ€