Could not find it, but thought we had started a "garden" thread?...

Oh well. Just wondering, with all of the food scares, and economic woes, what we have all had time to do and, maybe share some tips too.

Oregon now has the highest unemployment rate, I do think in the nation, right behind Michigan, or maybe we have surpassed them....So far no one I know has lost a job, one brother is yet unemployed, but has some good prospects.

So far in our household, we have simply had to forgo a big raise till things improve for the business. We are in a holding pattern, but employed.

My son (who is 15, almost 16) got a job at a local feed store in town. He works weekends, and in summer some weekdays too. He loves that job, and he has begun to gain a huge interest in agriculture and farming.

He had a desire to raise a few chickens for eggs. We have an ok sized backyard, and a good deal of autonomy for renters, so we said ok to it (versus video games and hanging around other teens late at night? It was a no-brainer). He brought home four chicks, raised them for the past two months, which are now pullets. Found one to be a rooster, who will be relocated VERY soon. Replaced him with another hen.

He spent his own cash to build a nice sized hen house and enclosure. They are likely the best cared for chickens around. He cleans their area daily, clean water and food daily, greens and other "goodies" daily too.

We had gone on to get three Ring Necked pheasants to raise, but it is not working out so well, the little buggers are slippery and hard to keep under wraps. They have a new smaller "hen house" built just for them, but they too are going out, and we will replace them with a few more hens. Plenty of our own fresh eggs for the next two to three years.

Overall we will have about 7-9 hens, which will produce around 2 eggs, or more, a day, plenty to go around to family (likely all extras, my son will gladly sell to neighbors for some $$$).

I made a raised garden bed in our yard, 8 foot by 5 foot, 12 inches deep. Planted all manner of useful veggie plants, adding to the 7 tomato, 6 pepper, and 8 cilantro plants we already had. So to the side of us, one yard away, is a strip of land owned by the local power company, where there lines are. they maintain the tall grass and tree's, but it is open space. So.....we took up the thick native sod, found incredible soil, cut open a swath about 5 foot by 16 feet and planted corn (36), lettuce (10) and spinach seed. We, of course surrounded that with a lightweight fence to keep out animals.

We are yet done with our spring projects, but felt really good, knowing we were doing our own, being self-sufficient, and not giving our money to either out of country farmers, or farming corporations who use NAFTA to farm cheaply (and unsafely) in Mexico.

We have an abundance of wild foods here, which we will again take advantage of, as well as doing some apple picking when the season comes, a HUGE savings from buying apples in the store. Might can....but will need my mother for that one.

I feel this is aiding in putting at least one more illegal alien out of work on a large farm, picking produce I might have bought. Great for us too, and the kids have loved doing it.

I will attempt to post some pictures here. I would love the see anyone else's gardens too. Also understand, not everyone has had time, the means, or the space for such, even if it is just a few pots of tomatoes, share it anyways (or just share you dreams of what you would love to be able to do).