It’s All About Jobs — His Job!

February 9, 2011
by John Myers

President Barack Obama has been on a pilgrimage of late, declaring that America will re-invent itself with green technology. He has even declared that the nation must move away from oil and invest in things that will vastly improve our fortunes; things like solar shingles and cars that run on sunlight and water.

The President has gone so far as to promise that in just four years America will be the first nation in the world to have a million electric cars.

It is the President’s version of Jack and the Beanstalk. In that story and in Obama’s imagination, immense wealth and a great transformation will occur overnight. All we need is a few magic beans (patent pending), water, sunshine and poof, we will have a green beltway to Eden which will be brimming with new jobs.

The President has been talking about jobs a lot lately. Last week he went to Penn State University to stump his green revolution. And late last month he announced that he has created at least one new job. But it is for someone who doesn’t even need it, General Electric Chairman and CEO Jeffrey Immelt, who will focus on growing employment for the nation. The object of all this media, money and minutia all comes down to saving one job; Obama’s.

“We’re going back to [GE founder] Thomas Edison’s principles,â€