• Senator Lamar Alexander Playing Oldest & Dirtiest Trick In the Book

    Senator Lamar Alexander Playing Oldest & Dirtiest Trick In the Book

    For Immediate National Release

    August 4, 2014

    Contact: Americans for Legal Immigration PAC (ALIPAC) WilliamG@alipac.us | (866) 703-0864

    Americans for Legal Immigration PAC is issuing an advisory to all media, activists, and every Republican voter who can be reached in Tennessee before the Thursday, August 7, primary race that incumbent Senator Lamar Alexander is trying to hold on to power by using one of the oldest and dirtiest tricks in the dirty politics book... a vote splitting spoiler candidate.

    Dr. George Flinn, a millionaire doctor who owns a radio station, is a self professed friend of Lamar Alexander's who is playing the role of a spoiler in the race. While George Flinn pretends and attempts to convince conservative voters who are upset with Lamar Alexander that they should vote for him, Flinn's real purpose is to split off just enough opposition votes from Joe Carr to save Lamar Alexander's campaign.

    "I used to work for incumbent politicians who would hire vote splitters all the time who were instructed to mimic the true grass roots challenger to siphon off just enough votes to protect the incumbent," said William Gheen, President of ALIPAC and former professional campaign consultant. "George Flinn's campaign is clearly running interference to protect Lamar Alexander from defeat and I think that this shows just how low down and disgusting Alexander and his millionaire buddy George Flinn are willing to stoop! No wonder Lamar Alexander fits in so well in DC but not with the good people of Tennessee fighting to bring him home."

    Judson Phillips wrote a piece in the Washington Times on July 23, 2014, titled "Lamar Alexander's Secret Weapons." In this article, Phillips points out that the Joe Carr vs. Lamar Alexander race is now within a few percentage points but Lamar Alexander's spoiler candidate George Flinn is polling at 6%. Phillips also points out Dr. Flinn is a two-time loser at running for Congress. In 2010, he spent over $2 million of his own money to try and get elected to Congress but failed.

    ALIPAC played a strong role in the defeat of Eric Cantor and is now endorsing and supporting Joe Carr for Senate against Lamar Alexander. ALIPAC is asking for volunteers to call GOP voters in Tennessee, and, conducting the kind of effective automated calls that were used against Cantor, to explain to Tennesseans that Lamar Alexander has a vote spoiler on the ballot, and voted to give immigration reform amnesty, American jobs, welfare payments, and voting rights to tens of millions of illegals who would in turn destroy any future border or immigration law enforcement in America!

    For more information, to get involved in the race, or to schedule interviews, please visit www.alipac.us.

    This article was originally published in forum thread: Senator Lamar Alexander Playing Oldest & Dirtiest Trick In the Book started by ALIPAC View original post