Becky Yeh - California correspondent ( Tuesday, November 05, 2013
The former secretary of Homeland Security is receiving a mixed response after authorizing millions of dollars to help illegal immigrant students.
University of California President Janet Napolitano agreed to give $5 million in university funds to aid illegal immigrant students who don't qualify for financial aid. Napolitano has been a longtime supporter of comprehensive immigration reform and implemented policies to allow children of illegal immigrants to stay in the United States for several years.
William Gheen of Americans for Legal Immigration, or ALIPAC, says Napolitano is violating federal law, namely the Federal Immigration and Nationality Act.
"Now it is more clear why almost all significant enforcement measures against illegal aliens ceased, despite lies claiming the opposite, when Napolitano was head of Homeland Security," Gheen says.
Napolitano's nomination to the UC level drew criticism from immigrant students who said they felt unsafe in the UC system. The UC president's decision will set aside $5 million for this year to provide illegal immigrants university resources.
"How could it not be encouragement to reside unlawfully in the United States by giving illegal aliens tens of millions of dollars in educational and taxpayer resources?" Gheen asks rhetorically.
In her first major address since taking office, Napolitano said she will also increase support for research by $10 million.
ALIPAC: New university president promises millions in college funds for illegals
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