Received by Email
Subject: [English First] Contact Congress to vote against H.R. 2499 - The Puerto Rico Statehood Bill
Date: 6/24/2010 2:33:01 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time

(Please click on links provided below to send emails to your Senators and Representative opposing H.R. 2499.)

English First Email Alert

Dear xxxx,

In my last letter to you, I described what appears to be an effort on the part of the elitists in Washington to replace American voters with tens of millions of non–English speaking new citizens.

Their plan is to pass a massive amnesty for 30-40 million illegal aliens while, at the very same time, invite the Commonwealth of Spanish-speaking Puerto Rico to become a state.

Their scheme is to replace us with people who have little knowledge of our Constitution and Bill of Rights, or what it means to live in a nation where all citizens are entitled to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

They are convinced that all of the new “citizensâ€