From Californians for Population Stabilization (CAPS)
Received by Email
Date: 2/17/2010 1:33:54 P.M. Pacific Standard Time

American Jackpot: The Remaking of America by Birthright Citizenship

Dear xxxx,

America stands virtually alone among first-world democracies in granting automatic citizenship or birthright citizenship to babies born by women illegally in this country. Our latest CAPS Issues piece, "American Jackpot: The Remaking of America by Birthright Citizenship," produced in cooperation with NumbersUSA and U.S., Inc., explains how and why the incorrect interpretation of the 14th amendment has been exploited to our detriment and what can be done to end it.

Having a U.S. citizen baby is a lure to illegal entrants, to legal immigrants and to "birth tourists" who come here from many parts of the world.


If you would like hard copies to send to your Congressional Representatives, please contact us at:

American Jackpot: The Remaking of America by Birthright Citizenship
A joint project by CAPS, NumbersUSA and U.S., Inc.

Birthright Citizenship

There is something sublimely grand about the term itself, evoking the notion that the most fundamental civic right an American can possess—citizenship—through which access to virtually all other constitutionally enshrined rights and protections pass, is bestowed to all who are blessed enough to take their first gasp of earthly air on American soil. It is held among our people’s core beliefs as something that is intrinsically American, an iconic reflection of the generous character of the American spirit that delivers on the Statue of Liberty’s plea to send her those huddled masses yearning to breathe free.

Indeed, the United States today stands virtually alone among power-house industrial democracies in granting unequivocal birth citizenship. The notion of being an instant American if born on United States soil has been so romanticized at critical junctures in our evolving popular culture it is now seen by many as a fundamental characteristic of the American identity. Consequently, the growing calls to end the practice are viewed by some as a heretical departure from what makes this country a beacon of hope to so many around the world.

So there’s no small amount of irony in the fact that the policy of granting birthright citizenship in America has become a core gravitational ‘pull factor’ that has resulted in the largest sustained wave of mass human migration ever witnessed in the history of the nation-state; a human tsunami that has played a critical role in the rapid erosion of the quality of life that so many immigrants seek on these shores. It also increasingly poses a non-consensual makeover of the culture that American citizens had neither voice nor vote in unleashing.

Dr. John C. Eastman, Dean of Chapman University’s law school in Orange, California, is among the leading scholars in the nation on constitutional law and has testified before Congress on the issue of birthright citizenship. Eastman states plainly that the framers of the 14th Amendment had no intention of allowing another country to wage demographic warfare against the U.S. and reshaping its culture by means of exploiting birthright citizenship.

“We have this common understanding of when you come here to visit, that you are subject to our jurisdiction. You have to obey our traffic laws. If you come here from England, you have to drive on the right side of the road and not on the left side of the road,â€