ALERT! Amnesty returns in form of amendments to Defense bill! ... 86&type=CO

After a public outcry stopped the huge amnesty bill this year, its proponents are trying to slip bits and pieces of it into the Department of Defense authorization bill. If they succeed in all their efforts, this exercise in stealth will give them most of the outrageous elements of the "comprehensive" immigration bill that Americans rejected.

The main thrust of this plan is to add the DREAM Act amnesty as an amendment to the Defense funding bill in the Senate. Ostensibly, this is just an amnesty to provide in-state tuition to illegal aliens who entered the country before they were 16, but since no documentation is required, virtually all the millions of illegal aliens in this country could claim eligibility.

The other two components of the plan are:

Increase the number of H-2B non-agricultural seasonal visas. These visas deny jobs to, and depress wages for, low-skilled Americans—our own working poor. There is no system to guarantee that these "temporary" workers would ever leave. Much of the current illegal alien population arrived on temporary visas and then refused to leave when the visas expired.

Increase the number of "hi-tech" H-1B visas. The SKIL Act would increase the figure from 65,000 to 115,000 in the first year and another 20 percent the following year. This expansion will make it even easier for U.S. employers to import cheap foreign workers and displace Americans.