Attention Missouri Citizens

HB 1619 and SB 732 set up tracking of class 2 thru 5 drugs in Missouri under the disguise of stopping Meth production. The drugs on the list include most drugs in your medicine cabinet such as, cancer drugs, hormone replacement and even antibiotics. The House and Senate bill as written must be stopped before the federal government has access to all your medical prescriptions.

HJR 41 Takes away citizens Common Law Rights. Yesterday the resolution was argued on the house floor until it was tabled because of opposition, not enough votes to pass. But it is coming back!

Call your State Legislators and Senators to stop it.

I need your help getting my immigration bill HB 2151 to passed through the Immigration Committee. This bill gives our states the right to arrest and deport Illegal Immigrants without the tracking of Americans. Call Rep. Nolte at: 573-751-1470 Tell him to hear the bill and support it.

Call all your Legislators to support the below Bills

Guest: HB 1716: Repeal Real ID Act

HB 2138: Requires Foreign Corporation to conform comparable standards as our companies to do business in our states

HB 2140: Requires the Federal Government to pay property taxes on all land they own in our states

HB 2151: Establishes the Missouri Immigration Act– Give us the right to arrest and deport Illegal Immigrants.

HB 2255: Creates a work restitution program for non-violent offenders

HCR 17 : To stop the SPP / North American Union and the NASCO– North American Super Corridor. We need to stop the opening of our federal borders and stop the super hwy bringing in Mexican trucks carrying Chinese and other foreign cargo into our country without inspection by Americans.

HB 1652: Stop the NAIS—National Animal Identification ( The Real ID for Farmers)

HB 2242: This bill prohibits a person or business from requiring, coercing, or compelling any other individual to have implanted a identification device into your body. Stopping the Micro-Chipping of Humans without their permission

Please get involved and help protect the Security and Freedom of American Citizens. We need to seal our borders and start tracking non-citizens. The federal government has used these issues to convince citizens tracking American is the only way. We must insist on common sense legislation to track those who are non-citizens and deport those who are not legal immigrants.

We must also stop the federal government from removing our constitutional rights. The federal mandate system is destroying our country. Many legislators and citizens believe we have no power to change this. That is not so. If the federal government could mandate to the states they would not need to have state government run legislation to opt in.


Jim Guest

Contact me at: Room 235 B-B, State Capitol, Jefferson City, Mo. 65101

573-751-0246 or E-Mail at