Rep. Bachmann: ‘Cap-and-Trade’ Is Democrats’ Big Revenue Raiser

Friday, September 18, 2009 12:47 PM

By: Ashley Martella

Even as the Democrats' controversial healthcare overhaul founders in the Senate, another one of President Obama's chief agenda items, climate change, also is floundering. Ultimately, the cap-and-trade plan will be scrapped despite Democrats' all-out efforts to salvage it, says Rep. Michele Bachmann, R-Minn.

Bachmann, a staunch opponent of the measure, told Newsmax.TV the proposal is a top priority for Democrats because "this is the revenue raiser that the Democrats are counting on to pay for all their out-of-control spending. Remember, they spent a trillion dollars of taxpayer money on boondoggle projects earlier this year. They need to pay for this and this is their indirect tax so to speak on the middle class that will be used to pay for this out-of-control spending.â€