FOCUS Team and ALIPAC Activists,

Please set up an organized response to this call for help in Tennessee.



Of UTMOST importance are the following bills now moving through the Tennessee House & Senate. We MUST take the time to let our elected officials here from us regarding these bills. Each and every one has the potential to help de-magnatize our State from the mass influx of illegal aliens. PLEASE take a few minutes to either phone or email (links below to get their contact information) your Senator and Representative to encourage them to for vote FOR the bills listed below.
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The bill that would allow the TN Highway Patrol to begin enforcing federal immigration law (HB 491) is being considered in House Transportation committee on Tuesday at 3:00pm. Because of the hundreds of calls received by committee members from the open-borders lobby, TN Safety Commissioner Mitchell has agreed to meet with (pro-illegal) immigrant leaders in person to address their concerns with the proposal.

The bill that would eliminate the driving certificate program (HB 1827) will be in the House Calendar committee on Tuesday, with a likely House vote this week. The opposition delivered almost 7,000 petitions last Thursday to the Chairman of the House Transportation committee, who has agreed to argue on the House floor for the continued need to ensure that all Tennessee drivers have access to driving safety documents and insurance, never mind that even those illegal aliens who have received TN driving documents still demonstrate a propensity to drive while intoxicated and flee the scene of accidents. We do NOT need people who did not respect our Nation's immigration laws being allowed ANY form of legitimacy by being granted ANY state-issued documentation!!

Please contact your state Senators and Representatives ASAP to voice your support for ALL of the following bills. Their contact information may be found at the following links:

Senators: ... s.htm#Find

Representatives: ... s.htm#Find

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SB 1604 by Norris, HB 491 by Gresham; the TN Highway Patrol would be permitted to enter into an MOU with ICE to enforce federal immigration law. Passed full Senate on March 19; scheduled for House Transportation on April 10th.

SB 576 by Burks, HB 1216 by Fincher; requires public employers and contractors to check immigrant work authorizations with Basic Pilot program, requires enforcement Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the US Immigration and Customs enforcement agency (ICE) and state "peace officers," requires state and local jailors to check immigration status, imposes tax penalties on employers, and requires state and localemployees to check immigration status for government services. Projected cost of law is $1,870,900 a year. Scheduled for Civil Practice subcommittee on April 10th.

SB 2318 by Ketron, HB 1983 by DuBois; empowers "local law enforcement agencies" to enforce current TN law that makes it "unlawful for any knowingly employ...any individual who has illegally entered the United States." The TN Association of Police Chiefs and the TN Municipal League will likely issue statements opposing this bill. Scheduled for House Consumer & Employees Affairs on April 10th; passed Senate Commerce, Labor, and Agriculture on April 3rd.

SB 1968 by Kyle, HB 1827 by Turner, M, eliminates the Certificate for Driving program. Passed House Transportation and Finance, and referred to House Calendar for a vote; Senate version referred to Transportation.

SB 886 by Ketron, HB 366 by Rowland, eliminates the Certificate for Driving program. Amended in Senate to make it similar to HB 1827, with an effective date of October 1, 2007. Passed full Senate on a 30-0 vote; House version deferred in Public Transportation and Highways until the last calendar of the year.

SB 193 by Burchett, HB 600 by Turner, M; creates new crime of driving with an immigrant into the state of Tennessee, if driver "should have known" the immigrant "illegally entered or remained in the United States." In House Judiciary, Representative Briley expressed concern that this would apply to churches and religious institutions, and offered an amend ment excepting charitable organizations. The sponsor rolled the bill a week to consider the amendment. Scheduled for House Judiciary on April 11th.

SB 1343 by Haynes, HB 70 by Turner, M; illegal Landlord Act: Requires landlords, real estate professionals, or anyone individual selling real property to check immigration status of all purchasers/renters. Scheduled for House Industrial Impact subcommittee on April 11th

SB 227 by Ketron HB 938 by Maggart; requires photo ID to vote, and includes free state IDs. Scheduled for Senate State and Local Government on April 10th.

SB 904 by Ketron, HB 1272 Lynn; requires state/local employees to verify immigration status for government services; mandates use of federal systematic alien verification of entitlement (SAVE) program.

SB 1611 by Norris, HB 409 by Todd; creates new identification requirements for voting, and "requires all public agencies within the state to cooperate with federal immigration authorities to discourage illegal immigration." Scheduled for House Elections subcommittee on April 10th.

SB 1616 by Norris, HB 407 by Todd; creates new crime for all state/local employees who fail to verify immigration status of all applicants for government services. Undocumented immigrants are barred from most entitlement programs, except for those mandated by federal law. Passed House State and Local Government on March 27th, and referred to House Budget subcommittee.

SB 252 by Haynes, HB 66 by Turner, M; creates a state crime for working in Tennessee having "illegally entered the United States," with all compensation to be confiscated. Deferred in Consumer & Employees Affairs committee to a special "immigration" calendar.

SB 253 by Haynes, HB 73 by Turner, M; prevents non-citizen workers from collecting workers' compensation unless "lawfully present for the purposes of performing such services." Scheduled for House Employee Affairs subcommittee on April 11th.

SB 1348 by Haynes, HB 622 by Turner, M; creates Class E felony for knowingly providing false documents for public benefits, and for presenting false documents for purposes of obtaining employment. Passed House State and Local Government on March 27th, and scheduled for House Budget subcommittee on April 11th.

SB 202 by Ketron, HB 729 by Hood; creates Class E felony for "recklessly" or "knowingly" hiring an undocumented immigrant. Scheduled for Senate Commerce, Labor, and Agriculture on April 10th; House version scheduled for House Employee Affairs on April 10th.

SB 254 by Haynes, HB 74 by Turner, M; requires employers retain certain documents, and creates $1,500 penalty for noncompliance; creates a Class E felony for "an employer to knowingly employ an illegal alien" and eliminates current TN code dealing with "employment of illegal aliens." Deferred in House Consumer & Employees Affairs committee for a special "immigration" calendar.

SB 903 by Ketron, HB 1274 Lynn; tax Relief for Undocumented Immigrants Act: prohibits immigrants from paying federal income tax with an individual taxpayer identification number (ITIN). House Employee Affairs passed amendment that would exclude banks from new regulations. Passed House Consumer & Employees Affairs on March 27th, and will go to House Calendar and Rules; Senate version passed Commerce, Labor, and Agriculture on April 3rd, and will go to Senate Calendar and Rules.

SB 1870 by Johnson, HB 877 by Johnson, P; creates new penalties, increasing to Class A misdemeanor by 7/1/08. An amendment exists that would require employers to use the Basic Pilot program. Passed Senate Commerce, Labor, and Agriculture on April 3rd, with an amendment.

Theresa Harmon
Tennesseans for Responsible Immigration Policies