For the past eight months the Campo Minutemen have been watching the US/Mexico border 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Living in the high desert, Kingfish and Bandit have put everything else aside to help stem the tide of illegals crossing at the Campo border. What was once a high traffic area for drug and human smuggling is now been slowed to a trickle due in large part to the constant vigil at Campo. In addition to the full timers Bandit and Kingfish, other Campo Minutemen come down daily or for the weekend to help out. Jawbone, Gadget, Max, JJ, Silver Bullet, Quartermaster, Delta, Jessie, Chicago, and Magnum all spend their time, money and effort to watch the border as often as they can.

Although we have a strong, experienced team, we welcome concerned Americans and fellow patriots to join us at the border. Eyes and ears are our most important tools against the invasion and we can always use more.