Congress guts the Secure Fence Act! Call your senators!

Calling is easy. Simply state your name, where you are calling from, and one or two brief talking points.

We want to flood the phone lines with calls of outrage that Congressional leaders slipped a provision into the omnibus bill that roll back requirements of the Secure Fence Act.

Please call your senators' direct numbers first. After that, you may use the Congressional Switchboard to make additional calls: 202-224-3121.

Talking point: The $3 billion go towards building the 700 miles of fence that was promised by the Secure Fence Act, 45,000 detention beds, and 287(g) training for local law enforcement to handle criminal illegal aliens has been stripped out of the House omnibus budget bill.

Talking point: The House has just voted to reduce the $3 billion in border security funds to $1.250 billion and has declared the building of the fence "non-mandatory." What are you going to do about it?

Talking point: The Senate's overwhelming vote to provide $3 billion in funding required to secure the border looks like another empty gesture at this point, unless the Senate votes down the omnibus package.

Talking point: It has been six full years since the attacks on September 11, and there is still no commitment from Congress to fund the security of our borders.