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Date: 2006/07/24 Mon PM 11:05:41 EDT
Subject: [mm] Minutemen Endorse Lamborn for Congress

Minutemen Endorse Lamborn for Congress
April 24th, 2006
Contact: (866) 407-4258

Colorado Springs, CO: The Minuteman PAC today announced their endorsement of State Senator Doug Lamborn for the federal 5th Congressional District.

“Even in a large field of contenders, it’s clear that Doug Lamborn is the real leader in the fight to stop illegal immigration and help secure our porous borders,” stated Chris Simcox, Honorary Chairman of the Minuteman Political Action Committee and national Minuteman leader.

Simcox continued, “The political pandering to the estimated 12-30 million illegal aliens already in our country and to their employers desirous of a steady pool of slave-wage labor needs to stop until our nation’s territorial integrity is reestablished. We need leaders like Doug Lamborn in Congress who will stand up against that pandering and put our nation’s border security first.”

In addition to results from their candidate survey, the Minuteman PAC also cited Lamborn’s leadership on HB 05-1271, to eliminate all non-federally mandated state funding to illegal aliens in Colorado, among his other illegal immigration reform measures.

HB 05-1271, authored by Sen. Lamborn and Rep. Dave Schultheis (who is also endorsing Senator Lamborn for Congress) was defeated last year by Democrats in control of the Colorado Legislature.

Their legislation has now become the model for a statewide ballot measure that Colorado citizens will get to vote on this November.

“I welcome new legal immigrants with open arms. However, the rule of law dictates that we have an obligation to deter—not reward—illegal behavior,” stated Lamborn.

“Illegal immigration is even more of a crucial issue today because the threat of global terrorism demands that we get tough at our borders to protect our citizens here at home,” continued Lamborn.

For more information on the Minuteman PAC and other Congressional endorsements, please visit