From: Federation for American Immigration Reform
Date: 2006/08/14 Mon PM 05:58:17 EDT

Subject: Attendance Needed at Aug. 17 Hearing on Palm Bay Ordinance to Crack Down on Employers of Illegal Aliens

Help Get Palm Bay Ordinance to Crack Down on Employers of Illegal Aliens Passed!

Speak in Favor of the Ordinance at Second Reading Hearing this Thursday (Aug. 17) at 7PM, Call and Email Palm Bay City Council Prior to Hearing

Mark your calendars to attend a hearing this Thursday, Aug. 17, at 7PM in support of Commissioner Andrew Anderson's "Unlawful Business Practices" ordinance 2006-80. This ordinance cracks down on employers of illegal aliens. It passed First Reading on Aug. 3, now we need your help to get it approved for the Second (and final) Reading. If adopted, this ordinance will eliminate the job magnet that attracts illegal aliens to live in Palm Bay, setting a precedent for localities across the nation to follow!

Here's How YOU Can Help!

1) Call and Email the City Council Now Through August 17.

Voice your support for Commissioner Anderson's "Unlawful Business Practices" Ordinance No. 2006-80 with a phone call to the City Council (321-952-3414) and a group email to the Council members and the Mayor at These calls and emails will be tallied and given the City Council members before the hearing they do make a difference! After making your calls and emails, ask others to do the same!

2) Attend the hearing if you can. Supporters should sign up to voice a brief message of support.

If at all possible, please attend the August 17 hearing and speak in favor of the "Unlawful Business Practices" Ordinance. (See hearing details and sample talking points below.) Even if you're not comfortable speaking, your attendance can still make a difference! We need to pack the hearing room with Floridians in favor of Commissioner Anderson's ordinance every person counts! Contact David Caulkett ( if you can attend and visit for more information.


The Second Reading Hearing will be held Thursday, August 17, 2006, at 7:00 PM in the Palm Bay City Council Chambers (address below). Arrive early as seating is limited. Speakers must complete public comment cards and are limited to 3 minutes each.

City Hall Council Chambers
120 Malabar Road, SE
Palm Bay, FL 32907


Here are some talking points you may wish to use.

Unlawful employment is the #1 magnet for illegal aliens in a given community. By protecting law-abiding businesses, the Palm Bay ordinance will improve wages and working conditions for legal city residents of all backgrounds, and will deter illegal aliens from settling in the town, where they will increase the demand for taxpayer-funded services of all kinds.
Employers who violate federal law by knowingly employing persons who do not have the legal right to work often pay substandard wages, drive down wages and working conditions for American workers in the same occupations.
Employers who hire unlawful workers have an unfair advantage over law-abiding employers who play by the rules and pay a decent wage to legal workers. This unfair competition has pushed many law-abiding employers out of business.
Employers of unlawful workers often pay substandard wages "under the table." Appropriate employment taxes are not paid, social security contributions are not made, and federal taxes are not withheld.Employers who cut costs by hiring unlawful workers at substandard wages force Florida taxpayers to foot the bill to cover health care, education, and other services used by illegal workers and their families.