Half of Immigrant Families on Welfare! SIGN PETITION to Suspend Future Unneeded Immigration



Yesterday, I gave you some opportunities to contact your own Members of Congress demanding that they stop importing poverty and importing pressure for more government by adding 23 million people to immigrant households each decade.

Today, we're starting a petition campaign to the 3 leaders who pretty much run Washington -- Pres. Obama, Speaker of the House Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Reid.

This petition is based on one fact:


If you are outside Pelosi's District or Reid's state, a petition is a better way to get to them than our usual fax system.

It also is an easier way for you to get new people involved in fighting for more sensible immigration policies.

Every friend or relative who is concerned about skyrocketing federal budget deficits or the growth in government is likely to be disturbed by this.

Yes, HALF of all immigrant families are using welfare, especially food and Medicaid welfare! This includes illegal AND legal immigrants. Amazing!

See my blog to read the whole ugly story.

With Pres. Obama pledged to reducing our deficits, isn't this a good time to send hundreds of thousands of petitions to him, Reid and Pelosi suggesting a suspension of most immigration that is driving those deficits up?

Let's reach out to as many American voters as possible to sign the petition (full text below).

In this time of spiraling deficits and government cutbacks, the nation's top elected officials are all calling for MORE immigration and even AMNESTY for illegal aliens.

Please sign the petition LINK BELOW to ask for the opposite policies.

http://www.numbersusa.com/petition?ID=6 ... tid=662775

Petition Campaign to Obama, Reid and Pelosi. (See text below.)
actions in brief:
Sign the Petition Now

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Text of petition

Half of all immigrant households with children are on welfare. HALF! These are supposed to be people doing "jobs Americans won't do." Sounds more like they're collecting government benefits U.S. citizens can't get!

President Obama, Senate Leader Reid, and Speaker Pelosi, we call on you to SUSPEND all future non-essential immigration.

The federal budget deficit$1.4 Trillion and rising can't afford to pay out Medicaid and food stamp benefits to more poor immigrants that America obviously does not need.

And yet, all of you are calling for INCREASED immigration and even an AMNESTY for illegal aliens! Your judgment is badly flawed! Higher immigration and amnesty will cause taxes and deficits to rise.

It's time for you to admit that your ideas about immigration are out-of-date and destructive. Suspend non-essential immigration now!

That's the petition.

Friends, can't you find 10 people to sign that petition because they are horrified that half of all the immigrant families brought into the country each year require welfare?

Please sign the petition NOW. Then fill in a bunch of referrals.