Minutemen / Illegal Immigration Activists Denied Entry to Fred Thompson Event

A group of Minutemen and Illegal Immigration Activists gathered at 7:00 am on a cold Saturday Morning to rally against illegal immigration and attend at Fred Thompson event. The were lots of honks and waving from Passers by and Event Attenders.

We send the RSVP under the name "Campo Minutemen" and were encouraged to attend, but when members of our group tried to enter the event, we were told we could not. At first, we were told we could not come in because we were carrying our rally signs.

This seemed odd because there were numerous other groups with signs in the rally, however when we put our signs aside we were still told we could not enter because they "did not want a disturbance." It was not explained why people who support Border Enforcement would cause a disturbance at an event for a supposed Border Enforcement candidate.

Some members of the group were allowed to attend after they promised "not to create a disturbance." Others, however, were left, literally, out in the cold, including a disabled war veteran.

The Color Guard was from Cal State Fullerton.

John Ziegler was funny and told some Hillary jokes. His next project is a documentary about Clinton and National Security. He will not be returning to talk radio and is not happy with KFI.

Tom McClintock was the best speaker, by far. Fred Thompson gave a nice speech, but failed to even mention illegal immigration and was short on details

