Minuteman Alert!
Minuteman Civil Defense Corps

PO Box 1489 - Tombstone, AZ 85638 :: Phone (520) 457-2320
NBC – NO Response to Request to Cease and Desist!

We asked NBC in NY to let us know by 3 PM today what they would do.

NBC to “Enrage America!� against Minutemen.

Stop NBC from airing Law and Order Tonight 11/16/2005 !!!

Call your local NBC affiliate NOW!!! To stop the Rage!!!

Send a copy to everyone you know!

Earlier today we made you aware of this attack. We appreciated all the calls and emails to NBC keep it up. Here is some of your feedback:

Subject: KPRC TX Affiliate

Thank you for your e-mail. Unfortunately, I believe you are sending it to the wrong place. As the Network affiliate, we have no choice but to air this program. I encourage you to voice your concerns directly to the network by visiting them at: www.nbc.com


KPRC-TV 2, Texas

Many of you wrote to let us know that the affiliates are saying they have no choice and must air the show, this is not true. Others have written and let us know that affiliates are saying that they expect it to be the most controversial show aired during sweeps and do not plan to take it off. It seems they want to promote hate.

Subject: Shame on You NBC!!!!

Dear NBC Executives,

Why must you spread racism and hate against innocent people watching our borders (When you attacked the integrity of the Minutemen with your fictitious show, you attacked my heart and soul. I am ashamed of you. I am switching to Fox. I'm telling my friends in DC and Baltimore also, but I expect they will boycott you also because of this. Why must you pull this kind of crap! Attacking a group's integrity just so you can boost your ratings!

Shame on you! I hope Law and Order goes straight down the drain. Along with some of your sponsors.

Alexandria, VA

Subject: No moral or ethical turpitude!

I find it outrageous that you are planning to air a show that would in any way show the Minutemen to be anything but loyal law abiding legal Americans that are doing their best to fulfill my need and millions of other true blue working parents of a generation that they are afraid will not survive unless our government takes seriously the job of protecting our borders.

Personally, I have never watched Law and Order and don't plan to ever watch it. I am sick to death of the TV and newspaper people as well as the actors portraying the characters that try to push their own personal interests. I find it offensive that anyone would try to make a mockery of the serious issue or border control. Anyone that would obviously isn't intelligent enough to figure out that it is harmful to Americans.

It's obvious you are working for high ratings and have no moral or ethical turpitude figured into your decision to try to enrage viewers that because some of us want security in our country that we are racist.

I am sick to death of living in Texas and watching Mexico invade my city. Count me out of any future NBC programs.

Subject: Smearing the Minutemen for Money.

I must protest your station's scheduled airing of the NBC series 'Law And Order' program at 9PM this evening entitled 'New York Minute'.

This program defames in word and images the reputation, purpose and methods of a decent organization called "Minuteman Civil Defense Corps, Inc.". It smears this group by conflating in a negative manner elements of a tragic event that happened just a short distance away from us with the legitimate efforts of the Minutemen to protect and secure our nation.

Thank You,
Floresville, TX

If you are a Minuteman or Minuteman Supporter – You are being attacked and NBC is putting the lives of law abiding, peaceful border security demonstrators at risk.

By intentionally creating an environment of rage and hate and putting the lives of Minutemen all over the country at risk we hold NBC responsible for any and all violence, persecution, brutality, aggression, hostility and “hate crimes� toward Minutemen the promotions incite. Stop the show and stop any escalation of the hate.

The truth is Minutemen are demonstrating that we can have a secure U.S. border and completed a successful operation during October with thousands of patriot volunteers without incident. Minutemen save lives and want a secure and orderly way for anyone who wants to be a U.S. citizen to enter this country legally.

The National Broadcasting Company (“NBC�) has been airing promotional advertising on its television network for an episode of Law and Order scheduled to be broadcast this evening, Wednesday, November 16, 2005, that is harmful to the reputation of the Minuteman Project, Inc., and Minuteman Civil Defense Corps, Inc.

Their outrageous promotions of this episode include the following language:

ANNOUNCER: Wednesday, new Law and Order… twelve immigrants, cooked alive in a boiling hot truck.
CHARACTER: You classify that as something going down?!
ANNOUNCER: Was it murder? Or Minutemen protecting our borders?
CHARACTER: Nathaniel shouldn't go to jail for protecting this country!
ANNOUNCER: The episode that will enrage America!
CHARACTER: You don't know nothing!
ANNOUNCER: New Law and Order, Wednesday on NBC.

After numerous phone calls to the NBC Legal Department, which always resulted in being put into a generic voicemail box with no response, we sent a “cease and desist� letter to the office of the President of NBC, Jeff Zucker, this morning. We have not yet received a response.

By directly naming the Minutemen by spoken word and in text flashed on the screen, NBC insinuates the Minutemen murdered immigrants in an act that will “enrage America.� We feel that these outrageous statements will result in violence against the Minuteman members.

We are asking that you phone your LOCAL NBC affiliate and complain about this attempt to defame the Minutemen.

And please email this to anyone you feel would make a call to their LOCAL NBC affiliate and ask them not to air the episode and to halt airing the defamatory promotions of this episode.

The Minutemen have an excellent record of peaceful, law-abiding and non-confrontational behavior when conducting our activities around the country. We have a no-contact policy with suspected illegal aliens that can only be set aside to render emergency aid. In fact, our members have rescued and saved the lives hundreds of men,

women and children, who have been robbed, raped and abandoned to die in the desert wilderness without food and water by their human traffickers.

Our members have gone through background checks and interviews so that people with violent felony convictions and racist views are kept out of our organizations. There has not been one incident of a Minuteman member being charged with an act of violence on our patrolsâ€â€