The Minutemen Corps California Management Team Muster

The Minutemen Corps California Management Team will be attending the "Dual County Crackdown� Muster Labor Day Weekend. The emphasis will be on team building and training of volunteers. Everyone who wants a leadership role in California or Arizona for the October Muster 2 the Borders should plan to attend. Leadership training for Texas will be held as a separate event. Everyone who needs training prior to the October event please show up at the Muster. If you live in California, Arizona, Nevada, and Utah please consider coming to the event. Call Tombstone, AZ at (520) 457-2320 for event details or send email to

Summary of the Standard Operating Procedures
Minutemen are courteous to everyone with whom they come into contact.
Minutemen do not respond to any taunts or harassment from outside agitators.
Minutemen Observe, Report and Direct the Border Patrol to suspected Illegal Aliens or Activities.
Minutemen do not verbally contact, physically gesture to or have any form of communications with suspected Illegal Aliens.
Minutemen follow the Standard Operating Procedures to the letter and spirit.
Minutemen follow all federal, state and local laws understanding that we are being held to a higher standard by all.
Minutemen understand that our actions cannot stop illegal activities along the boarder but, that we can change world perception and national thought concerning Homeland Security and the Border.
Minutemen monitor their behavior, the people next to them and the group as a whole to assure compliance with the SOP’s.
Minutemen leave no garbage behind following strict pack-in pack-out procedures.
Minutemen respect the property rights of everyone, start no fires, never drive off road and follow the directions of all law enforcement personnel.
