From: "" <> Add to Address Book
Date: 2006/01/26 Thu PM 02:22:07 EST
Subject: [mmproj] Minutemen Florida Corps Recruiting Meeting

Minuteman Civil Defense Corps
Minutemen Florida Corps
Recruiting Meeting
6501 Greenway Parkway Suite 103-640 Scottsdale, AZ 85254 :: Phone (520) 457-2320
Minuteman Florida Corps Needs Patriots to Help
Orlando and other strategic locations in the United States are vulnerable to another terrorist attack, possibly an even greater magnitude than that of 9/11. This time the terrorists will likely enter our country over the porous borders of Mexico or Canada if something is not done soon!

We’re told there is not enough money to detain and deport these illegal aliens.

Consider volunteering for the newest chapter of the Minuteman Civil Defense Corps. “The Florida Corps “

Attend the Recruiting Meeting
The Minutemen Florida Corps will be holding a meeting at the Denny's restaurant on S-436 and US 17/92 in Casselberry, Florida on Saturday, January 28th from 2 – 4 PM. We will be recruiting members at this time. Any persons interested in joining the Minutemen Florida Corps, to report illegal aliens and secure our borders, needs to be there.

Contact Minutemen “Florida Corpsâ€