Minuteman Leaders Interviewed This Week on ProAmericaRadio
AL Garza and Jeff Schwilk Join Host Carl Braun

MCDC National Executive Director Al Garza & San Diego Minutemen Founder Jeff Schwilk join host Carl Braun on ProAmericaRadio Monday December 10th at noon PST. The one hour program airs live on www.WSRadio.com and will also be in the show's archives.

Al Garza is known as the outspoken critic of American poilcy towards illegal immigration and a long time pro border security activist with the Minuteman Civil Defense Corps. As the leader of that organization he has taken criticism from the Hispanic community due to his Mexican heritage. Al will answer questions regarding his participation in the Minutemen movement and plans for the future.

Jeff Schwilk is the Founder and President of the independent San Diego Minutemen an organization that stages protests and illegal day labor interventions around the State. His SDMM group has hundreds of members and have been active in the San Diego area for more than two years.

Both men are Marines with Jeff retired and Al a Vietnam Veteran. Each will offer their perspectives on the topic of illegal immigration and what they feel needs to be done about it.

Braun also took his microphone to Camp Vigilance this month, the field headquarters for the Minuteman Civil Defense Corps of CA and spoke with minuteman members about their mission. Excerpts from those interviews will be aired in the final segment of this weeks show.

About ProAmericaRadio

Carl Braun is the host of ProAmericaRadio and a leader himself in the Minuteman Movement. He has more than 20 years of radio experience having hosted talk shows in Columbus, Ohio and Minneapolis, MN where he worked for ABC Radio from 1997-2001 on the regionally syndicated program "The Soapbox". He has done voiceover's for major national and international companies as well as audio books. ProAmericaRadio broadcasts exclusively on WSRadio.com the largest internet based radio station in the world, headquartered in San Diego. The program takes controversial topics having to so with American sovereignty, immigration, population control and covers issues often ignored by major media. The show airs every Monday at noon PST and is rerun twice daily throughout the week.

Call In Number is 877-474- 3302

I try to listen to this one, Carl does a bang up job of interviewing......
