Special Minuteman Reunion and Muster for Camp V's 5th Anniversary and National Patriot Day

On NATIONAL PATRIOT DAY - September 11, 2010 -
the anniversary of this nations greatest national disaster, the Minutemen of Camp Vigilance, CA USA will mark our 5 years of service at the border by sponsoring a MINUTEMAN REUNION and MUSTERTO SHUT DOWN THE BORDER!

Progress on the border fence has stalled, open-borders activists have become more strident and brazen, and the current regime is hinting at amnesty by Presidential fiat. But were still here, and were not giving up. Sometimes our numbers have dwindled, but as an organization we havent missed a muster. And every one we hold represents not only a barrier to new border-crashers but a reminder to all those politicians and sleepy, passive citizens who have forgotten the importance of national sovereignty.

All members, their families and friends, and everyone interested in securing the border, are welcome. We look forward to greeting all of you who have worked at the border and/or at home to help make Camp Vigilance the most successful "Minuteman Border Operations Camp" in the Country. We are bringing together all the old friends, patriots, and volunteers who launched our effort five years ago in ONeil Valley, and all the others who joined us since then to help secure our border. We want to recognize all of you on this milestone of our campaign. There will be special events and thanks to those who have contributed so much, especially in the beginning.

SO... Beginning Friday Sept. 10th thru Sunday Sept. 12th, Camp Vigilance WILL BE OPEN TO ALL old and new friends and Patriots coming to Camp for a HUGE show of force on the border!


On September 11th, our NATIONAL PATRIOT DAY
Be prepared to ABSOLUTELY SHUT DOWN our Southern California border!

You don't want to miss the opportunity to be a part of this history-making event.

We will be scheduling overt and covert border operations 24 hours a day for the entire weekend, as well as border tours for newcomers.

Grab your tent, hook up your trailer or RV, and bring your friends for a weekend of excitement and border-watching. Or just come down for the day. As usual, we will be providing 24-hour security. Food service will be available, or you can do your own cooking if you prefer. You may be surprised at the improvements in Camp V.

We're looking forward to seeing you at our event!

Go to www.campvigilance.com and make your reservations, OR JUST SHOW UP! Watch for our WEEKLY NEWSLETTER for more details.